Welcome to reChem
reChem is a chemical research and distribution company. We supply chemicals to academics, businesses and private researchers both within Canada and internationally.
Notice: We are unable to ship any products to countries in which they are considered controlled substances without licenses.
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reChem's Kitchener distribution facility is bullfrogpowered® with 100% green electricity.
reChem Incorporated is not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned here. We merely wish to support them as much as we can.
Please consider a donation of any size to Ukraine relief efforts.
Canadian Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal: https://donate.redcross.ca/page/100227/donate/1
The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement are collecting funds to help with immediate and ongoing relief efforts in Ukraine.
UNHCR: https://give.unhcr.ca/page/100190/donate/1
The UN Refugee Agency has stepped up its operations and capacity in Ukraine and neighbouring countries to support those who are forced to flee their homes are sheltered and safe.
Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/ukraine-crisis-relief-fund/
Created by GlobalGiving, your donation will provide shelter, food, clean water, medical support, access to education, and economic assistance to those in need, with a focus on those who are most vulnerable.
Help Us Help: https://helpushelp.charity/donate
This Canadian organization is focused on humanitarian aid and educational projects in Ukraine and in Canada. The charity is raising funds to help relocate displaced children, scholars, and veteran families in Ukraine as well as humanitarian and medical assistance.
Canada-Ukraine Foundation: https://www.cufoundation.ca/
The national charitable foundation coordinates, develops, organizes, and delivers assistance projects generated by Canadians and directed to Ukraine. The foundation is aiming to raise $5 million to provide humanitarian assistance to the in need in Ukraine.
UNICEF: https://secure.unicef.ca/page/98630/donate/1
The United Nations Children's Fund is raising donations that go towards ensuring access to safe water, urgent medical aid, healthcare services and child protection.